Wednesday, October 11, 2006

Print - Flyers, I Have Heard It A 1000 Times...

I have heard it 4 or 5 times (I know I exaggerated in the headline - get used to it!) that you should put other properties of your current inventory on the back sides of the flyers you hand out, well today I am going to do it!!!

It seems so simplistic, but I am doing a brokers open today and I think it would be nice if other agents got to see ALL of my listings and not just the one I am sitting at. Also, I was at a pitch session the other day and I handed out a flyer for different property and did not let the 20 or so other agents there know I had OTHER properties that are equally as wonderful.

I think that I may be missing a chance to "pick the low hanging fruit" as Mark Stevens in Your Marketing Sucks talks about.

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