Monday, October 09, 2006

Marketing Ideas and Anxiety

Trying something new is always hard - even when you are adventuresome - which I am. Starting a blog was somewhat intimidating for me - will I have something to write every day? will ANYONE ever read it? will I give all my ideas away to people who are wildly successful?

I hope to answer yes to all of these???s in the coming months. I have at least one "great" marketing idea each day and I agree with Seth Godin who says that ideas that are hidden die. I will be posting my ideas here each day and if you use any of them please let me know so I know that they went out into the world and GREW LEGS!



TaraJacobsen said...

smartie...thank you so much for being my first commenter! I am sure I won't regret sharing - unless they make a gagillion dollars!!!...:) tara

Anonymous said...

If I make a gagillion dollars using one or more of your ideas, I will be sure to buy you some nice cheese!!!