Friday, October 20, 2006

Internet - Flash and Music

Please be prepared for a rant! If you have a fancy Flash site with a landing page that people have to "click here to skip into" or if your site has music that plays as soon as you open it and people have to "click here to turn off music" this post is for you.

In 1999-2001 I worked for a company called Digital Chainsaw (I swear that was the name) and we were bought by a rather forward thinking broadband company because they liked the edgy nature of our work and our internet background. They were primarily concerned with selling Voice Over IP which still hasn't caught on with the general poplulation 5 years later - hence the forward thinking part. Well I sat in a meeting with them where they were telling me about this "great new stuff Flash" that would revolutionize how people viewed them and how we needed to spend tens of thousands of dollars developing a great Intro.

I told them what I am telling you now (5 years later) - EVERYBODY skips the intro. People do not have time to sit for even a minute to watch a mini advertisement about your company. If you are a realtor, I guarentee people want to see what services you offer OR view listings - NOT a mini movie. If you have music (and I know some of you do) - DISABLE IT. If people are looking at your listings or checking out your services they are not sitting in a totally silent room, they are watching TV or listening to their Ipod or doing something else and YOUR MUSIC IS DISTRACTING and could cause them to leave your site.

That having been said there are some great flash features that do add to the users experience - keep those and ditch the rest.

End of Rant


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