Saturday, November 18, 2006

Networking - Super Fun Bankers and Accountants

So I crossed the line again this week and went out amongst other humans. My bankers Kelly and Brian invited me to a Tampa Bay Lightning game on Wednesday. We were in a really nice box and there were a bunch of fun people there BUT the best part was that there other marketing junkies there!

My friend Brian P (the banker) and another guest (the accountant) were willing to sit and rap for a while about what makes their business unique and what they could do to generate more clients. We talked about what we were doing to set ourselves apart from other professionals and what we could do that would make us even more successful.

It got me all fired up again to do some out of the box marketing. I have a great feeling that the coming month is going to be key for scooping up market share while other agents are taking the time between Thanksgiving and New Year's off!

Real Estate Marketing Pro

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