Sunday, November 26, 2006

Be Specific! - Part Deux

So the holidays have slowed the blogging a bit - I will get back in the groove starting TODAY!

My friend Lori Crawford volunteered to be a "specific" guinea pig so here goes (see previous post for starting point). Lori is very social and will probably focus on lead generation and sales activities that involve a lot of talking and networking with other human beings. Also she is a total class act who presents herself very professionally, as well as bringing a broad and varied business background to real estate that will serve her clients very well! She is VERY contentious and will do her very best to make sure that her clients are satisfied with the service that she provides.

Lori has a good start on branding herself with her website, and she incorporates the sandollar theme throughout her marketing pieces. She has also included "commitment & loyalty" as the tagline for her logo.

So here is one possible elevator speech...

"Lori brings a strong business background to all of her real estate transactions. She uses her extensive knowledge and experience to provide the best possible service to her clients, utilizing every means necessary to help them buy or sell their dream home. Commitment & loyalty are not just words to Lori - they are the way she works!"

Lori's goal may look like this...

"To build her real estate practice utilizing her personal and professional contacts to facilitate new business. To work with affluent clients who want to buy or sell high end homes in the Trinity area."

So basically Lori's day should start and end with an assessment to see if she had done things to increase the likelihood of meeting her goals. Did she send dinky postcards to her Trinity farm. Did she go to the Country Club for dinner and network with people who will be buying and selling homes in her target area. Has she previewed all the homes in Trinity? She has already joined the Rotary for Trinity - has she invited any of the members out to lunch?

Any of those things increase the likelihood that someone will notice that she is a realtor in the Trinity area and that is what her main goal is for the very near future!

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