Monday, January 01, 2007

New Year New Focus

I am so excited to start the year out! I am using my company's model of doing the activities and letting the rest take care of itself. With that in mind I am using a lead generating model and I already have 2 - they actually came in yesterday but I am counting them!!!!

(1 and 1 from putting flyers on my yard signs - more about that another day...:)

Have you decided how you are going to measure success this year? I am a firm believer that if you do not measure it you cannot change it. That having been said, I am the worst at tracking expenses and will have to buckle down and start counting my dollars.

I will be back to making (almost) daily entries in the blog. If there is something that would be interesting that I haven't talked about yet please let me know - if I am focusing too much on a certain area let me know that too!

Have a great day and a very happy new year....Tara

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