Monday, January 08, 2007

Internet - Gotta Give To Get

I am teaching my class today on the internet for KW and that made me think of a couple of conversations that I have had lately.

One of my dear friends and fellow realtor Bill said that he was not getting any leads from his internet site. I asked what he was offering that would compel someone to contact him and he realized that there was nothing but his listings. Don't get me wrong, I think that it is imperative that you have listings on your site - if you do not have your own BORROW them from other agents. Most sellers in this day and age will check out your site to see if you have listings and if so what price range and what location.

BUT (and it is a big but!) people will not generally contact you directly through your internet site about a specific listing. So what can you do to make someone contact you?

1. Offer a free report - 27 ways to get your home ready to show
2. Generate a list of homes in Dunedin around the Pinellas Trail under $200,000 and offer to mail or email them that list. DO NOT provide addresses.
3. Provide a free relocation guide
4. Offer a free CMA
5. Get together with your lender and get information about the mortgage/rate situation (if you need some good ideas call my friend Brian P at HomeBanc who is very proactive about having this type of info available! 813-361-6350)

All these things should help to get someone to email you or call for more information, and none of them cost you much money!

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