Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Public Relations - PRWeb

So today I am going to practice what I preach!

Almost every day I get a hit or two on my TampaBayUnder200K website from PR Web. That does not seem like a lot but considering that there have been 94,722 views of the article through PRWeb and that it was published on May 22, 2006 -- that adds up to about 225 (1.5X150 days) hits.

Today I am going use the $10 service which allows me to see stats but does not put the press release out to all the news agencies to advertise my blog. If the content of my release is good some nice things might happen:

1. I may be quoted as a knowledgable source
2. News feeds may pick it up and put it on their website for distribution
3. People may read about my blog and sign up
4. People may read about my services and decide that they want to be represented by someone with my expertise

Whatever happens today it will be more that what would happen if I did not send out a press release -- and isn't that the whole point?


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