Tuesday, January 02, 2007

(dis) Organization & Real Estate

My name is Tara and I am compulsively, totally disorganized. I am a piler and a hoarder and it makes me crazy! I came by it naturally as my father is a piler and my mother had to spend hours taking her piles off the dining room table in order to serve Thanksgiving dinner (I do not think my grandparents were pilers but they were hoarders!) I am NOT one of those smug disorganized who say that they can lay hands on whatever they need in a minute - I AM one of those cussing, moaning disorganized who has to go through a pile of stuff every time that I need something.

Until now

My mother in law got me the fancy Treo real estate phone and that is just wonderful. Top Producer, MLS and my lead generation spreadsheet all walking around with me. My husband also jumped in and got me a desk where I can put my electronics and hopefully walk out the door with everything all at once instead of getting to the edge of my neighborhood and coming back for whatever I left today.

I have started a postcard program for the office that I am using as one of my mailings each month to my expireds, fsbos and sphere. I design it and the mail market house sends it out - no sticky sticky on the labels and since others rely on me to do it on time it gets done. I also have started writing down my hot prospects and potential clients each week with my listing partner and that helps A LOT as it reminds me of what is important - following up on my leads and getting them under contract!

I have other things that I will implementing (like a budget!) but for now it is a start. If you are out there totally organized and ready for the new year I applaud you - if you are a work in progress like myself I wish you and organized and happy new year!


Anonymous said...

Hey Tara! Admitting that you have a problem (disorganization) is the first step to recovery. Does this mean we will be able to see your desktop soon, or will the piles remain? :)

TaraJacobsen said...

So I DID get rid of a couple of piles but spent about an hour looking for my daytimer in there this weekend! To let you non KW agents know how bad it is - some other agents in our office will not come in for fear of never being able to get out!...:)